Sunday, June 3, 2007

What you want, what you need and what you deserve

Hi Everyone

Early on a freezing cold Monday morning and I'm out here thinking what I can discuss that would make a difference to your life today. I'm trying to condense all the answers into just one blog posting, but even though I'm blonde - I know that's impossible. LOL

Okay, so I was thinking the other day about people in general. What do you WANT? If you are in a situation where you are being bullied, you probably want acceptance. You don't necessarily need it though and in my experience, I am sure you deserve it. You probably did nothing wrong (in the opinion of normal people) to aggravate the bully.

To create a better understanding for the fact that bullies are really the weaker person - let's look at their position. What do they want? They want to pull you down to their level. They want you to feel as bad about yourself as they do. What do they need? They are insecure and need constant encouragement and acceptance - usually from the wrong people. Most of all - they obviously secretly admire you, hence the jealousy and trying to ruin your efforts/reputation.

What do bullies deserve? They deserve to be put into place. You need to stop giving them the "kick" they get out of their deeds by acting hurt or upset or even angry.

YOU deserve RESPECT and you need to assert your position in no uncertain terms.

Next to our complex live a huge family who tend to get drunk / drugged on weekends and make life utter hell for my neighbour. When my family arrived home yesterday they were outside our gate, shouting abuse and mocking us. They must've been high, because they never do that when they are of sober mind. I looked at Wade and said "Do you think they are talking to us?" He replied "I don't really care!" - we laughed and walked inside as usual. The mocking STOPPED, straight away.

Nothing embarrasses a bully like being laughed at. It has to be done subtly though - they need to see it, but they must not hear what you say.

Bullies do have a problem though, mentally and therefore you need to discuss it with adults or other authorities who can take action and get them to see a psychologist or some form of a therapist who can set them straight.

Remember YOU are not the problem, the bully is the one who has a problem. You need to pity them, as they don't even realise this.

Have a wonderful week ahead.


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