Saturday, May 19, 2007

When will it end?

My mom once said to me that there will always be bullies. At the time I didn't understand why she'd say such a negative thing. She was right though. Even as an adult, I get bullied sometimes. But it can be stopped. Here's the deal:

As you saw on my site, bullies actually pick their victims carefully. They look for "vulnerabilities" in you which they can pick on. Those are usually also the characteristics in you that they envy. Bullies really want to be just like you - which makes you the better person.

In order to stop bullying you need to get tough. You need to be able to defend yourself without the bully getting a notion that they are getting to you. You cannot let anyone get to you!

This doesn't mean you need to get hard and tough like I did. Remain true to yourself. You need to up your confidence and try to IGNORE the bully wherever possible. Do not let them know they are getting to you!

I don't want to get you down - so I'll leave you on a positive note - adult bullies are so much easier to deal with because they are the weakest of the weak. They are like little dogs yapping at your heels and their accusations / insults are so lame that they actually can't get to you no matter how hard they try.

So CHIN UP! Have a good weekend!

I hope this helps you. For more info check out my website.

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